This is a continuous performance test used to assess attentional processes and impulse control.
A form of Pavlovian conditioning used to investigate the rewarding effects associated with drugs of abuse.
An assay to assess anxiety-like behaviours, the anxiolytic drug effects, and to investigate the (epi)genetic bases of anxiety-related behaviour.
This assay uses a mirror stimuli and close proximity to mirror as a validated measure of aggressive behaviours in zebrafish.
Uses vertical distribution in a novel environment as a validated behavioural test for assessing 'anxiety-like' behaviours.
The open field test is a well-established paradigm for assessing locomotor activity and anxiety-related behaviours in a range of model organisms.
This protocol is for assessing the associative learning and memory of zebrafish.
Discrimination reversal learning paradigms are used to study behavioural flexibility.
This is an unconditioned behavioural test used to assess exploratory behaviour and spatial working memory function. One paradigm described here is the Spontaneous Alternation Test.
This task is often used with mice to study emotional and cognitive disabilities.