Aversive learning assay - adult zebrafish (3rd party)

GITHUB repository created by Alejandra Godino-Gimeno et al. (Svante Winberg lab, Uppsala University)

This repository contains several scripts to program Zantiks AD units in aversive learning experiments in zebrafish.

  1. Short-term memory test scripts files:
    1. av_check --> used in units where the fish conditioning pattern is 'check'
    2. av_grey --> used in units where the fish conditioning pattern is 'grey'
  2. Long-term memory test scripts files:
    1. training_check --> used during the training phase (4 days) in units where the fish conditioning pattern is 'check'
    2. probe24h_check --> apply at the probe phase, 24 hours after the training period, in units where the fish conditioning pattern is 'check'
    3. training_grey --> used during the training phase (4 days) in units where the fish conditioning pattern is 'grey'
    4. probe24h_grey --> apply at the probe phase, 24 hours after the training period, in units where the fish conditioning pattern is 'grey'


Godino-Gimeno, A., Thörnqvist, P.-O., Chivite, M., Míguez, J. M., Winberg, S., & Cerdá-Reverter, J. M. (2023). Obesity impairs cognitive function with no effects on anxiety-like behaviour in zebrafish. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(15), 12316.