20 April 2020
A new temperature control unit is being shipped with MWP units.
06 April 2020
A new optogenetic module is available for the MWP!
30 March 2020
A new memory task (the FMP Y-maze), designed by researchers at the University of Portsmouth, enables investigation of working memory and search strategies in both vertebrates and invertebrates.
28 November 2019
The British Neuroscience Association launched their Credibility in Neuroscience Manifesto on 25 November 2019.
21 November 2019
Caffeine and Sildenafil alter attention levels and impulsivity but not learning in zebrafish suggests a new study published in the journal, European Neuropsychopharmacology.
19 November 2019
The learning skills of zebrafish in a Skinner box may not effected by brain lateralization nor anxiety-like behaviour according to findings published in symmetry.