02 July 2018
Visit the Zantiks exhibition booth this month, at FENS 2018 in Berlin or at the Zebrafish Disease Models conference ZDM11 in Leiden, and see how you can automate your behavioural research.
15 June 2018
We have plenty of behavioural monitoring kit to excite delegates at the International Zebrafish Conference 2018 in Madison next week (20-25 June).
22 March 2018
We are currently demonstrating the Zantiks units at the 5th European Zebrafish PI Meeting in Trento and later this week we will be at FishMed 2018 in Warsaw (25-27 March).
12 January 2018
We really enjoy meeting behavioural researchers and discussing their research at conferences around the world. In 2018 we plan to attend many conferences so that we can learn more, and spread the word about our range of Zantiks units.
11 December 2017
We had a busy time at SfN last month in Washington demonstrating the Zantiks AD and the MWP.
22 September 2017
This weekend we are excited to sponsor the the 25th European Drosophila Research Conference, EDRC 2017, at Imperial College, London.