
28 January 2025

Customer Spotlight

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Dr Annie Godwin, University of Portsmouth & EXRC European Xenopus Resource Centre

Dr Godwin's work is focused on developing methods and assays to identify and assess developmental delay and movement disorders. Using the different versions of the Zantiks systems, both the MWP and LT, Dr Godwin is measuring behavioural phenotypes of rare genetic diseases.

"Through gene-edited lines, Xenopus tropicalis have proved highly suitable to modelling rare genetic disease variants and supporting clinical investigation. However, a major limitation to this work has been the lack of ability of track, identify and measure behaviour in Xenopus. Zantiks' support has facilitated the adaption of automated behavioural assays from other species to Xenopus.
Use of the Zantiks MWP has led to the identification of a newly described gene-disease link. With our use of the Zantiks LT, we have the capacity to increase throughput and assess the lines of several human neurodevelopmental disease models that we have growing in the centre."

If you'd like to learn more about how using both the Zantiks MWP and LT can enable studies into aetiology of disease, please contact us!

Find out more about Dr Annie Goodwin